Monday, August 18, 2008

Boot Camp -

Starts tonight. No if's, and's or but's. Bean has slept like absolute crap for the past 2 weeks. She is up several times a night, and for the past two nights, she's ended up in our bed. I'm not kidding when I say that she does.not.stop.moving EVER when she sleeps. Something on her body is moving at all times. I slept like 3 total hours last night, and that just isn't cool.

I know her crappy sleeping is my fault. I've never been a fan of letting her cry-it-out, and it will kill me to listen to it tonight and however many nights it takes to get her to sleep through, but its necessary. I should have done this a YEAR ago. She is almost 2 years old and has never been a good sleeper. Her record number of sleeping-through nights is like 6-7. There are infants who sleep better than that ::AHHHEEM Hayley (I kind of hate you a little):: LOL Just picking Ky :)
Really though, how come some kids just sleep through on their own and others require their parents to be jerks who have to make them cry themselves to sleep :( Blah... I hate it.

So yeah, it starts tonight. I hope I can stay strong. Wish me luck.


Kylee said...

Well if it's any consolation, Caleb and Meghan didn't sleep through really until like 2 years old. I am sure that Hayley will be not sleeping through forever :)

Good Luck!

Audra said...

Good luck Heidi and Carly (oh, and I guess Mike, too). The first night kind of sucks, but once you know you can do gets easier:) Promise!