Friday, August 22, 2008

Can you spare a pair?

I need a set of balls. I have none (prolly because I'm a girl).. so perhaps I could just borrow some for when I need to stand up for myself. I'm not so good at that, and its getting tired.

Help. Thanks!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Unforseen Expenses

Just when I think I have all the bills covered for the month, more come in.

We need to get the truck inspected. Lame.

My license needs to be renewed. Lame.

They want us to pay for TV, totally lame, that should be free, isn't that why we have to watch commericals? Gay*.

***Don't get your panties in a bunch, I have nothing against gay people, I just like to use the word when I'm annoyed.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

She sat still.

I love her so much.

She did it! On her own.

She slept through, no crying necessary. I will give a big Thank You to Ky as she mentioned last week that she switched the kids over to Supreme diapers at night to prevent leaks when they were around this age. I'm not sure if that's what did it or not, but I used them and she slept all night. Maybe she was just mad about waking up with a wet cooter? She always acted like she didn't want to get out of bed, she was just uncomfortable. So maybe this is the trick. Either way, we are now using Supreme's at night. I hope she keeps this up!

Monday, August 18, 2008


I'm already starting to chicken out and it's only 2:45 in the afternoon!

Wah.. why am I such a tool?

I need my morning/overtired/pissy anger to carry me through until her next bedtime, but unfortunetly she's been awesome today and now I feel bad for her. I don't want her laying in bed thinking I'm an a-hole. Pray she sleeps through on her own, would ya? I don't think I have it in me to let her cry.

Boot Camp -

Starts tonight. No if's, and's or but's. Bean has slept like absolute crap for the past 2 weeks. She is up several times a night, and for the past two nights, she's ended up in our bed. I'm not kidding when I say that she does.not.stop.moving EVER when she sleeps. Something on her body is moving at all times. I slept like 3 total hours last night, and that just isn't cool.

I know her crappy sleeping is my fault. I've never been a fan of letting her cry-it-out, and it will kill me to listen to it tonight and however many nights it takes to get her to sleep through, but its necessary. I should have done this a YEAR ago. She is almost 2 years old and has never been a good sleeper. Her record number of sleeping-through nights is like 6-7. There are infants who sleep better than that ::AHHHEEM Hayley (I kind of hate you a little):: LOL Just picking Ky :)
Really though, how come some kids just sleep through on their own and others require their parents to be jerks who have to make them cry themselves to sleep :( Blah... I hate it.

So yeah, it starts tonight. I hope I can stay strong. Wish me luck.

Friday, August 15, 2008

What did you just say?

About 2 minutes ago..

Beans has a pen, running it against the wall.

Me - Beans, do not write on the wall, I'll take it away, do not do that!

Beans - Do.Not.Do.Dat.

Me - Are you mocking me?

Beans - Mock-ing Mock-ing (as she does a little dance)

Her word repeating skills are getting out of hand..

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


All weekend I had planned on doing a long post about how thankful I am of everything that's going on in my life right now and how I feel like things are falling into place. Then Carly decided to sleep like total crap for 3 days and I am not feeling so upbeat about things.

Funny how sleep deprivation can cloud your head.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Shoe Fetish

Beans is starting to bother me with her fascination with shoes. It would be one thing if she wanted to wear a pair of shoes for the day, but that isn't her style. She wakes up, catches a glimpse of her shoes and its all over.


SHLIP SHLOPS (flip flop) MAMA!!

BOOOOOOOTSSHHHHSSSHHH (she has a bit of a speech impediment lol)

They go off and on all day. If she can't find her boots she lays on the floor and bawls. Real tears too. I think she has a future as a Soap Star. She is so ridiculously dramatic.

If this doesn't stop she is going to get labled as a brat. Right now I can blame her age..but yikes, if she doesn't snap out of it, people are going to start thinking I suck at this mom thing. And what if I do?? Crap!

A little too curious...

Have you seen this show? Curious George. Its on PBS, a staple in our house.
Could you explain why anyone would leave a monkey in charge? Especially a curious one. He screws everything up, everytime. Without fail. He is always making messes and nobody ever expects him to clean it up. What gives? Who the heck even lets a monkey live in an apartment building? The last episode I saw he was helping the plumber fix a clog that *he* started. Who lets a monkey do plumbing?
Also, since we're on the subject. Why can't The Man in the Yellow Hat have a real name. Its annoying and makes ME curious...