Monday, October 13, 2008

Nap Time

Let me set the scene. I'm pretending to sleep, as is my husband.

Beans: Mama!

Me: ::fake snore::

Beans: Mama! (She notices a mole on my face and begins to touch it) Boo boo mama? Boo boo mama ::muah:: (kisses it) all bedda mama! (all better) All bedda. (She then begins to lick her finger and rub it on my "boo boo") all bedda, boo boo, all bedda boo boo.

At this point there is no more nap to be had. I am shaking from laughing and give up on her going to sleep.


Audra said...

Bwahahahahaha! nap time. PUH-LEASE send her to me for a visit! She cracks me up!

Melinda said...

That is way too cute! So you guys nap together? so sweet!